QMTECH XC7Z020 Notes
Source Issues

Multiband WSPR receiver

Some interesting links on the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) protocol:

Short description

This project implements a standalone multiband WSPR receiver with all the WSPR signal processing done by STEMlab SDR in the following way:

With this configuration, it is enough to connect STEMlab SDR to an antenna and to a network. After switching STEMlab SDR on, it will automatically start operating as a WSPR receiver.


The FPGA configuration consists of sixteen identical digital down-converters (DDC). Their structure is shown in the following diagram:

WSPR receiver

The DDC output contains complex 32-bit floating-point data at 375 samples per second and is directly compatible with the WSPR decoder.

The projects/sdr_receiver_wspr_77_76 directory contains two Tcl files: block_design.tcl and rx.tcl. The code in these files instantiates, configures and interconnects all the needed IP cores.


The write-c2-files.c program accumulates 42000 samples at 375 samples per second for each of the sixteen bands and saves the samples to sixteen .c2 files.

The recorded .c2 files are processed with the WSPR decoder.

The decoded data are uploaded to wsprnet.org using curl.

The decode-wspr.sh script launches write-c2-files, wsprd and curl one after another. This script is run every two minutes by the following cron entry in wspr.cron:

1-59/2 * * * * cd /dev/shm && /media/mmcblk0p1/apps/sdr_receiver_wspr_77_76/decode-wspr.sh >> decode-wspr.log 2>&1 &

GPS interface

A GPS module can be used for the time synchronization and for the automatic measurement and correction of the frequency deviation.

The PPS signal should be connected to the pin 5 of the extension connector JP5.

The measurement and correction of the frequency deviation is disabled by default and should be enabled by uncommenting the following line in wspr.cron:

1-59/2 * * * * cd /dev/shm && /media/mmcblk0p1/apps/common_tools/update-corr.sh 77.76 >> update-corr.log 2>&1 &

Getting started

Configuring WSPR receiver

By default, the uploads to wsprnet.org are disabled and all the decoded data are accumulated in /dev/shm/ALL_WSPR.TXT.

All the configuration files and scripts can be found in the apps/sdr_receiver_wspr_77_76 directory on the SD card.

To enable uploads, the CALL and GRID variables should be specified in decode-wspr.sh. These variables should be set to the call sign of the receiving station and its 6-character Maidenhead grid locator.

The frequency correction ppm value can be adjusted by editing the corr parameter in write-c2-files.cfg.

The bands list in write-c2-files.cfg contains all the WSPR frequencies. They can be enabled or disabled by uncommenting or by commenting the corresponding lines.

Building from source

The structure of the source code and of the development chain is described at this link.

Setting up the Vitis and Vivado environment:

source /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2023.1/settings64.sh

Cloning the source code repository:

git clone https://github.com/pavel-demin/qmtech-xc7z020-notes
cd qmtech-xc7z020-notes

Building sdr_receiver_wspr_77_76.bit:

make NAME=sdr_receiver_wspr_77_76 bit

Building SD card image zip file:

source helpers/build-all.sh