Red Pitaya Notes
Source Issues

My Red Pitaya

  1. List of components
  2. Links
  3. Development machine
  4. LED blinker
  5. Buffers for AXI4, AXI4-Lite and AXI4-Stream interfaces
  6. AXI4 hub
  7. Direct memory access
  8. Alpine with pre-built applications
  9. Applications for Red Pitaya STEMlab 125-14:
    1. Playground
    2. SDR receiver
    3. SDR transceiver
    4. SDR transceiver compatible with HPSDR
    5. SDR receiver compatible with HPSDR
    6. Wideband SDR transceiver
    7. Multiband WSPR transceiver
    8. Multiband FT8 transceiver
    9. Pulsed NMR system
    10. Multichannel Pulse Height Analyzer
    11. Scanning system
    12. Vector Network Analyzer
  10. Applications for Red Pitaya STEMlab 122.88-16 SDR and SDRlab 122-16:
    1. SDR receiver
    2. SDR transceiver
    3. SDR transceiver compatible with HPSDR
    4. SDR receiver compatible with HPSDR
    5. Multiband WSPR transceiver
    6. Multiband FT8 transceiver
    7. Pulsed NMR system
    8. Vector Network Analyzer