- List of components
- Links
- Development machine
- LED blinker
- Buffers for AXI4, AXI4-Lite and AXI4-Stream interfaces
- AXI4 hub
- Direct memory access
- Alpine with pre-built applications
- Applications for Red Pitaya STEMlab 125-14:
- Playground
- SDR receiver
- SDR transceiver
- SDR transceiver compatible with HPSDR
- SDR receiver compatible with HPSDR
- Wideband SDR transceiver
- Multiband WSPR transceiver
- Multiband FT8 transceiver
- Pulsed NMR system
- Multichannel Pulse Height Analyzer
- Scanning system
- Vector Network Analyzer
- Applications for Red Pitaya STEMlab 122.88-16 SDR and SDRlab 122-16:
- SDR receiver
- SDR transceiver
- SDR transceiver compatible with HPSDR
- SDR receiver compatible with HPSDR
- Multiband WSPR transceiver
- Multiband FT8 transceiver
- Pulsed NMR system
- Vector Network Analyzer